Ultimately, what you envision is executed not by you, but by the team that you are part of. A team is comprised of various personalities motivated by various dreams and desires. This is what makes team dynamics so complex. You never know what you’re working with on a given day. If your team is what gets you to reach your goals, wouldn’t it be in your best interest to invest in helping your team understand team dynamics as best as possible and work through each step of the way? The health of a team is critical for engagement, productivity, and goal attainment. To learn more about the tools I can offer you, contact me at (704)441-2726.
Effective Communication is imperative for any successful outcome. Without effective lines of communication you can anticipate breakdowns in execution. Unfortunately, we often let our personal feelings interfere with communication among peers.
- Are your teammates having a hard time communicating?
- Do they understand and appreciate one another’s diversity of communication styles?
- Would your teammates benefit from understanding effective ways of influencing?
- Do you have certain personalities on your team creating undue tension?
- Are your teammates on the same page?
Team Performance comes in stages. The energy/success of a team is predicated on whether certain stages are worked through effectively. Do not expect to have successful outcomes if the early stages such as trust building or goal clarification are not resolved. The energy of a team shifts as new players and personalities are introduced.
- Is your vision clear and do you feel it has been shared down without getting filtered?
- Are you meeting your departmental goals?
- Can your team perform better? Do they need a boost in their performance?
- If asked, can your teammates clearly define your top 5 goals to and how to execute them?
- Do you find your team is having side conversations about each other?
- Are you concerned about the level of trust among your teammates?
- Have you had added new teammates which has impacted the dynamics of the team?
Effective Execution is enhanced only by following a clear mission and vision. Oftentimes, as an organization grows, we lose sight of our vision and mission in lieu of making sure our daily operations are met. Let’s discuss what you and your teammates need in order to stay on your true north.